Colorful Gouldian Finch
by Sabrina L Ryan
Colorful Gouldian Finch
Sabrina L Ryan
Photograph - Photography
Beautiful male Gouldian Finch on a branch in a tree.
Butterfly World, Coconut Creek, FL
January 9th, 2013
Comments (31)
Jeff at JSJ Photography
I love the colors on this bird, Sabrina! Congratulations on having your photo featured on the Strangest or Most Unique Animals group on FAA! Be sure to post your photo embed to the discussions tab as a permanent reminder of your accomplishment! L/F, ~Jeff at JSJ Photography, Administrator
Geoff Crego
Sabrina, I love how this brilliant bird stands out from the muted background. Lovely composition! Voted
Roena King
Hi Sabrina. Just a quick note about the beautiful image of this bird! Oh My! I captured several plovers a few years ago on the TX gulf coast. Why dont you contact "" They did the research and found where my birds had been banded some years ago and were quite excited that one was still alive on the TX coast after 6 years. Very exciting to capture a banded one! smile Roena
Sharon Mau
. ╰⊰✿ . . *`*•.¸☆ ☆¸.•*´* . . Featured: :: Birds of the World :: . . *`*•.¸☆ ☆¸.•*´* . . ✿⊱╮. . .
Madalena Lobao-Tello
CONGRATULATIONS!! Featured on Female Artists!! Great work, love how you have done this!!! Very well done!!
Sabrina L Ryan replied:
Thanj you so much for your kind comments and the Feature in Female Artists Madalena!