Blue Dragonflies Love Lotus Buds
by Sabrina L Ryan
Comments (18)
Bruce Bley
Awesome capture, Sabrina!! I love the composition, detail, and the beautiful blue green values you have captured in this image. F/V
Douglas MooreZart
Sabrina, so many of your works are just excellent. I saw this beauty today while looking through your gallery. Exquisite! voted!
Sabrina L Ryan
Thank you so much Sandi, Jessica, AR, Joan, Sven, Andy, Kathleen & Laurel for All your kind comments!
Bob Orsillo
Fantastic capture! The detail and clarity are awesome, so your composition. Beautiful photography Sabrina. V/F
Randy Rosenberger
This one is even more detailed than the other I viewed. Wowser, Sabrina! I totally love the macro imagery here! Your detail of the "dragon" is superbly captured, and I love the not quite opened bud that it has lit upon! Grandiose composition, and thanks so much for sharing. Got the big, "Elvis" F/V on this outstanding capture and presentation!